Headwaters Chapter announces their list of 2014 Activities

May 16, 2015 by Randy Piearson
- February: Election of Officers. The following were elected to a two year term:
- President – Randy Piearson
- Vice President – Shelley Murphy
- Secretary – Mark Studt
- Treasurer – Marcy Schottler
- March: The Chapter participated in the Rocky Mountain Sports Show at the L/C Fairgrounds. This resulted in 1 new Chapter member and 7 volunteers.
- April: A contract was signed with 3 Plains to implement the Chapter’s own website.
- May: A Chapter cleanup day was held at the Canyon Ferry Wildlife Management Center.
- June: A banquet planning meeting was held with Jon Lee from Missoula to bring in new ideas for the banquet in 2014.
- July: A Chapter social was held at the Z-Bar Shooting Site. A BBQ followed after an afternoon of skeet shooting at the site.
- September: Helena youth participated in a gun safety and clay target shooting session at the Helena Gun club. The following week; 10 youth participated in a pheasant hunt guided by chapter members and their trained dogs.
- October: The first banquet planning meeting was held.
- November: The beginning of weekly banquet planning meetings until the banquet in February. The decision was made to offer in Live Auction, a Pheasant Forever Hunt in South Dakota.
- December: The Helena Chapter Website in on-line with continuous update and uploading of photos, On-line banquet registration is implemented. The first test of using “The Square” was conducted in December. New donor sponsorships implemented.
- January: The first on-line registrations for the banquet was received following a post card mailing. Potential habitat meeting held in the Great Falls area.
- February: 249 persons attended the banquet. An EBAY type of bidding was used for Silent Auction. The majority of Live Auction was paid for through the use of “The Square”
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