Headwaters PF Chapter 563 - Habitat Page
Chapter members putting in the hard work!
May 7, 2022 Members worked with MTFWP at the Canyon Ferry WMA planting shelter trees and improving pheasant and wildlife habitat. Big thanks to all who participated!

Local Chapter Habitat Projects
Canyon Ferry Project - Chapter members help Fish and Wildlife employees set up a wheel-line irrigation system to help establish new habitat cover on the old Meyers property.

Teton River Purchase a Success
At the May 31, 2017 meeting of Chapter officers we heard a presentation by Montana Regional Representative Dan Bailey on an exciting major land acquisition project along the Teton River that entails several parcels and multiple landowners. This project will provide great hunter access close enough for a days hunt from Helena. We voted to provide $12,500 towards the acquisition near Dutton, MT in Teton County with the understanding that more funds may be needed in future years if PF is going to complete the entire project. This is part of a statewide effort with multiple chapters and Pheasants Forever National contributing to the project. More details will be announced in the future as this will be an ongoing process with multiple acquisitions.

Local Chapter Habitat Projects
Freezout Lake WMAs - The Headwaters Chapter partners with Fish Wildlife and Parks in planting nesting cover as well as creating brood strips to enhance nesting and attempt to increase chick survival at Freezeout Lake WMA. We also contributed financial assistance to other chapters to acquire lands open to public hunting in the Denton and Miles City area.

100% Locally-Rated and Spent Dollars
Pheasants Forever's members are truly passionate about conservation and creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants, quail and other wildlife. That's why Pheasants Forever provides the most efficient conservation model of any organization. PF's unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent. Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do at the grassroots level of our chapters all the way to Washington, D.C. when we fight for strong conservation policy.